Romans: The Believer’s Battle

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February 27, 2024

Coggin Church

Coggin Church

The Believer’s Battle

Romans 7:14-25 captures the rollercoaster of spiritual growth and personal battle against sin. This passage in Romans is not just about acknowledging the struggle but also about finding hope and strength in Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that while the battle against sin is real and ongoing, victory is found in our Savior.

Romans 7:14-25 captures the rollercoaster of spiritual growth and personal battle against sin. The struggle described in this passage by Paul resonates with anyone who has ever aimed to live a life in alignment with God’s will, only to find themselves faltering. Just like in golf, where the aim is to hit the ball straight, the reality often involves slices, hooks, and sometimes even missing the ball entirely. This analogy beautifully illustrates the human condition — the very thing we wish to do right, we end up doing wrong, and the things we aim to avoid, we sometimes find ourselves drawn towards. Despite knowing perfection is unattainable, we continue to keep striving for it. The moments where we live in accordance with God’s will, empowered by the Holy Spirit, bring about joy.

This is not just the struggle of Paul; it is the struggle of every believer at some point in their journey. The message is universally applicable. It speaks to the ongoing battle within, a battle between succumbing to sin and striving for a life that reflects God’s laws and desires. This passage in Romans is not just about acknowledging the struggle but also about finding hope and strength in Jesus Christ. It is a reminder that while the battle against sin is real and ongoing, victory is found in our Savior. This journey of faith is marked by moments of failure and moments of grace, reminding us that growth and maturity in our spiritual lives are ongoing processes.

1. Accept that the Struggle With Sin is Real

The struggle with sin is an undeniable reality for believers. Acknowledging this is not about admitting defeat but about recognizing the battlefield we stand on — a critical first step toward spiritual growth and victory. The Apostle Paul’s admission of his own battle with sin, emphasizes that even the most devout believers are not immune to this struggle. Paul’s transparency reveals a crucial truth: acknowledging our vulnerability to sin is foundational to seeking and receiving the power needed to overcome it. This serves as a gateway to transformation, regardless of the nature of the sin or struggle.

Believers live in the tension between their new nature in Christ and the old sin nature that continues to exert its influence. This battle does not end upon conversion, it is a continuous internal war. The Christian life is marked by ongoing conflicts between flesh and spirit, sin and righteousness. Denying the existence or the severity of this struggle is like ignoring the realities of a physical battlefield, a denial that can lead to spiritual harm or stagnation. Just as a soldier on a battlefield must acknowledge the presence of an enemy to engage effectively, believers must recognize the spiritual war that rages within and around them. This recognition is pivotal for putting on the spiritual armor and strategies that God provides for victory.

Victory over sin begins with the humble acknowledgment of our struggles and the confession of our need for divine assistance. It is in this place of vulnerability and honesty that we can fully lean on the strength and grace of God, rather than our insufficient efforts. The passage illuminates the foolishness of fighting in our strength, instead, we should rely on the power of the Holy Spirit. The struggle with sin also underscores the profound role of free will in the believer’s journey. Each decision to sin or to obey God reflects a moment of choosing which nature to feed — the flesh or the spirit. This choice is a powerful demonstration of free will, serving as a reminder that sin’s presence is still a reality.

The metaphor of two dogs fighting, each representing the law of sin and the law of God, represents the daily choice believers face. The outcome of this internal conflict is determined by which nature is nurtured and strengthened through our actions, thoughts, and the spiritual disciplines we engage in. This imagery calls believers to a life of intentional living, where every choice aligns with the divine nature God has instilled within us. Accepting the struggle with sin as a real aspect of the Christian life is not an admission of defeat but a declaration of war against the forces that seek to derail us from living a life that honors God. It invites an honest assessment of our spiritual condition and challenges us to live in the victory Christ has already secured. By acknowledging the battle, we position ourselves for victory, learning to fight not in our strength but in the might of the One who has already overcome.

2. Be Aware of the Tension Between the Law of Sin and the Law of God

The tension between the law of sin and the law of God represents a central struggle in the Christian life. This tension is described as a constant battle between two natures within a believer: one that is drawn towards sin and the flesh, and the other that seeks to align with God’s law and righteousness. This struggle is not a mere inconvenience but an essential aspect of spiritual life that serves to strengthen faith and demonstrate true discipleship. The presence of this tension is a sign of genuine faith, as it shows an awareness of and resistance to sin, indicating a heart that desires to follow God even amid conflict. With two fighting dogs, the one you feed the most is the one that wins. The nature you nurture through your actions and decisions will dominate your life. Believers must be mindful of what they feed their souls with, whether it be the things of the flesh or the things of the Spirit.

The potential consequences of not experiencing this tension are starkly outlined, suggesting that a lack of internal struggle might indicate either a non-believer’s constant surrender to sin or a believer who has been given over to sin by God as a form of judgment. This is a sobering reminder of the seriousness with which God views persistent sin and the importance of repentance and seeking God’s help in overcoming sin.

Paul’s personal struggle and frustration with sin resonates with many believers who find themselves in a continuous battle against sin and often feel defeated. It is crucial to not fight alone but to seek support from fellow believers and, more crucially, rely on Christ’s strength rather than one’s own. As Christians, we are called to live in community and support one another in spiritual battles. Having a proactive stance in spiritual growth, active engagement with a faith community, and humble dependence on Christ’s power is the only way believers can overcome sin.

3. The Spirit of Christ is The Silver Bullet of Hope for the War that Rages Within

The search for a “silver bullet” or a magic solution is common, especially when faced with challenges that seem impossible. With our spiritual growth, we often yearn for that one thing that will make all the difference, hoping for immediate and effortless results. However, in the context of the internal struggle between the desires of the flesh and the spirit, there is only one remedy: the Spirit of Christ. The transformative power of the Holy Spirit is the true source of victory in the believer’s life. Unlike many areas of life where shortcuts and quick fixes are illusions, in the spiritual battle, there is a real and effective solution.

Paul’s despairing cry in Romans 7:24, “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” sets the stage for the triumphant answer found in the Spirit of Christ. This moment of utter helplessness and surrender is immediately followed by the declaration of hope and victory in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of Christ is portrayed as the “silver bullet” — the only guaranteed way to find victory in the ongoing battle between the flesh and the spirit. The victory over sin, death, and the flesh is not something believers achieve on their own but is a gift from God, made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The invitation from Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 to come to Him for rest and relief from our burdens includes the wearying struggle with sin.

The practical application of this truth involves a daily, conscious decision to walk in the Spirit, allowing Christ’s life to manifest in and through us. This means abiding in His presence through prayer and immersing ourselves in His Word, which leads to a transformation that aligns our desires with God’s will. Galatians 5:16 simplifies this concept, urging believers to walk by the Spirit to avoid gratifying the desires of the flesh. As believers, we are called to let the Spirit fight our battles and to offload our burdens onto Jesus. By surrendering to and depending on the Spirit of Christ, believers can experience a life marked not by constant defeat but by the peace and joy of victory in Him.

The internal struggle between the flesh and the spirit is a reality for every believer, but it is not an endless cycle of defeat. The Spirit of Christ offers a powerful, effective solution that not only promises victory but also transforms us from within, aligning our hearts and minds with God’s. As we learn to live in the Spirit, abiding in Christ’s presence and His Word, we step into the freedom and rest He offers, experiencing the fullness of life that He intended for us. Let us embrace this journey, not as a battle fought in isolation but as a victorious march hand in hand with the Savior who has already won the war.