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There is more than going to church

The Full Life



Coggin Church

Coggin Church

The Full Life in Jesus

Jesus said, “I came to give life and to give it to the full.”  – John 10:10. But where is this full life you keep hearing about? What if I told you that it’s not found through an experience or circumstances but in the person of Jesus Christ? At Coggin, we know it will take most of our lives to learn to walk in this truth as we abide in our relationship with Jesus, transform as we understand the scriptures, and imitate by living the kingdom life He told us about.


Be with Jesus

Abide is not a word that is used much anymore. It simply means to live or to dwell. In this case, Jesus is inviting us to abide in relationship with him. When he told each disciple to follow him, that’s what he was inviting them to do. To live with him, to pray with him, to learn from him, and to see the character of God in Him.


Become like Jesus

Abide is not a word that is used much anymore. It simply means to live or to dwell. In this case, Jesus is inviting us to abide in relationship with him. When he told each disciple to follow him, that’s what he was inviting them to do. To live with him, to pray with him, to learn from him, and to see the character of God in Him.


Do what Jesus Did

Abide is not a word that is used much anymore. It simply means to live or to dwell. In this case, Jesus is inviting us to abide in relationship with him. When he told each disciple to follow him, that’s what he was inviting them to do. To live with him, to pray with him, to learn from him, and to see the character of God in Him.


A Christ Centered Volunteers Program

We offer a variety of ministries that cater to every age group, from infants to seniors. Whether you’re taking your first steps in faith, a teen learning who they are, or are further along on your spiritual journey, we’re here to support you. Our goal is to help you grow both in knowledge and spirit, no matter where you’re at in life.


Our Global Mission Passion

Our church is deeply committed to international missions. We actively back 18 missionaries worldwide, spreading our faith and values across various cultures. Plus, we sponsor 147 children in Uganda, focused on shaping a better future for them. Through these missions, we strive to extend our community’s love and service well beyond our local boundaries.