The Gift of Singleness

The Gospel Family

As we continue to study the Gospel Family Blueprint, we are going to look at 1 Corinthians 7 to dive into a topic that might seem relevant only to a specific group within our church — singleness. However, 1 Corinthians 7 does not just address singles; it speaks to everyone by challenging common misconceptions and encouraging a fresh, biblical view of singleness. 


The Gospel Family

In Matthew 19:3-9, Jesus addresses a topic that stirs discomfort and complexity — divorce. Acknowledging the deep and often lasting pain divorce can bring, this message seeks to equip those in marriages today with tools to strengthen their relationships against such outcomes.

Children, Obey and Honor

The Gospel Family

Our series on the Biblical blueprint for the family continues as we study Ephesians 6:1-4. It is a call to embrace the God-given role of children within the Gospel family, to nurture and guide them as they grow into the individuals God has designed them to be. And for children, it is an invitation to live out the commands that promise to enrich their lives and ensure their wellbeing: obey and honor your parents.relationships and our spiritual maturity.

Godly Wives

The Gospel Family

Ephesians 5:18-24 offers a blueprint for the roles of husbands and wives within the sanctity of marriage. The scriptures call us not only to reflect on the roles within a marriage but to act on them, to live them out daily with love, respect, and an unwavering commitment to each other and to God.

Godly Husbands

The Gospel Family

In today’s culture, manhood is often distorted, and understanding God’s design for husbands is crucial. Ephesians 5 is a passage that lays out a gospel-centered blueprint for husbands. This scripture teaches us that true manhood is not represented by dominance or toxicity but through the embodying Christ-like qualities.