Broken Promises and a Victorious Savior

Have you ever been part of a situation that started off poorly, showed promise, built up hope, but ultimately ended in disappointment? It’s like the Dallas Cowboys’ football seasons since the ’90s — a cycle of hope and heartbreak.
Fools and Our Faithful God

Nehemiah 9-10 recounts Israel’s history, contrasting God’s constant faithfulness with humanity’s repeated failures. Despite the Israelites’ ongoing rebellion, God always showed mercy and offered forgiveness. This serves as a reminder that, no matter how often we stumble, God remains true to His promises.
Centrality of God’s Word

The contrast between the rebuilding of the physical walls and the rebuilding of the people is striking, and Nehemiah’s leadership highlights that it’s not the physical that ultimately matters, but the spiritual.
Dealing With Opposition

In this section, we reflect on how Nehemiah faced immense opposition, both external and internal, as he led the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. We can draw several key lessons from Nehemiah’s leadership that help us deal with opposition in our own lives and ministries.
A Heart for God and His Work

Nehemiah’s example teaches us how to respond when God burdens our hearts: be open to it, pray boldly, take action with faith, lead with courage, and persevere through opposition. Burdens are not meant to crush us but to draw us into deeper reliance on God and lead us into action. As we face our burdens, let’s remember that God is with us every step of the way, empowering us to fulfill His purpose.