Jesus Is: The Bread of Life



May 11, 2023

Coggin Church

Coggin Church

If you are hungry for God, you will love how Jesus teaches in John 6 about God’s provision through His identity as the Bread of Life.

John 6 can be a perplexing chapter to navigate, especially if you approach it by reading isolated verses. However, in this blog post, we will focus on John 6:30–41 to shed light on their context and significance. As we delve into this passage, we encounter the profound concept of provision and the assurance that Jesus is more than enough. He is our provider and sustainer. Let us explore the idea of feasting on the provision we have in Christ, who boldly declares, “I am the bread of life.”

Jesus Is the Bread of Life

Numerous events precede Jesus’ powerful statement, making it crucial to grasp their significance. Concepts like partaking in His flesh and blood may seem perplexing initially, but as we unravel the earlier portions of this chapter, they will start to make more sense. Nevertheless, the overarching message remains clear: Jesus is the focal point of the entire chapter.

In response to the people’s inquiries, Jesus affirms, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst.” (John 6:35) This simple, yet profound statement underscores the central theme of provision and establishes Jesus as the ultimate source of fulfillment. It doesn’t require advanced knowledge or expertise to grasp the significance of this message. Jesus is undeniably speaking about provision, emphasizing that He alone can satisfy our deepest needs. This chapter highlights the profound implications of Jesus’ role as our provider. His provision extends beyond mere physical sustenance. 

Jesus Provides for Our Physical and Spiritual Needs

A large crowd gathers, drawn by the miracles performed by Jesus. Just like rubbernecking at a highway accident, people are curious and eager to witness more extraordinary acts. However, Jesus consistently challenges their self-centered desires, aiming to cultivate genuine followers and disciples rather than mere spectators. He desires devoted individuals who seek Him, not just His miracles.

To set the stage, Jesus feeds the 5,000, demonstrating His role as a physical provider. This miraculous event reveals His ability to meet their immediate needs, leaving no doubt about His capacity to provide spiritually as well. Moreover, Jesus goes beyond sufficiency and showcases abundance by filling twelve baskets with leftovers. This narrative establishes that Jesus is not only enough, but He surpasses all expectations.

The Scandal of Feasting on Jesus

Following this incident, the disciples face a storm at sea. Fear grips their hearts until Jesus reassures them and demonstrates His provision even in the midst of their fear. He then introduces the concept of the Bread of Life and speaks of consuming His flesh and blood. While it may initially sound like cannibalism, Jesus is using physical metaphors to convey a deeper spiritual truth about provision.

Provision, simply put, is the act of giving what someone needs. When considering Jesus as our provider, we must ask ourselves two essential questions: Is Jesus capable of meeting our needs? The resounding answer is yes. Is what Jesus provides enough for us? Again, the answer is a definite yes. However, we must resist the temptation to focus solely on the miracles or the benefits we receive. Instead, we should fix our gaze on Jesus Himself, understanding that all miracles point to Him and should deepen our love and worship for Him.

Hungry People Need a Provider 

Returning to the feeding of the 5,000, we must shift our perspective. It is not merely about people being fed; it is about Jesus revealing Himself as the provider. This principle applies to all miracles recorded in Scripture. For example, when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, we should not solely focus on Lazarus’ extended time with his family. Rather, we should recognize that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, the one who has power over life and death.

The crowd, however, fails to grasp the deeper meaning of Jesus’ provision. They ask for a sign, reminiscent of Moses providing manna in the Old Testament. Yet, Jesus invites them to look beyond physical provisions to the spiritual sustenance He offers. Jesus declares, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst.” This powerful statement reveals Jesus as the ultimate source of eternal life and assures us that what He provides is sufficient for our spiritual journey.

Next Steps 

Just like the hungry people who followed Jesus, we need Him. It is crucial for us not to merely acknowledge Jesus as our provider, but to truly live like we believe it. Often, we fall into the trap of seeking fulfillment and satisfaction in worldly pursuits, neglecting the abundant provision already given to us in Christ. Let us redirect our focus, following the hunger inside us that longs for forgiveness and restoration. In doing so, we will be led to Jesus, the bread of life, who satisfies our deepest spiritual hunger.

As you go about your routine this week, ask Jesus to reveal Himself as the Bread of Life, your ultimate provider. He feeds the multitudes, showcases His abundance, and emphasizes that what He offers is more than enough. Let us not get caught up in the miracles alone, but fix our gaze on Jesus Himself. May we trust in His capability to meet our needs and rely on His provision for eternal life.