Choosing Joy in the Midst of Working Out Your Salvation

Choose Joy

Joy comes through being obedient each and every day. So, what does this look like in lives? Not just individually, but as a congregation, as a whole. How are we going to stand firm and contend for the Gospel in the face of opposition? Everything around us is opposed to and is going to be pushing back against what we believe in Scripture and what we believe to be true. This is what the world does, it tries to push back against the light because

Father’s Day | A Man Worthy of Honor

If you want to be a good father, watch how God fathers his children. Your children are learning what God’s fatherhood is like by watching you. There is a weightiness that comes with fatherhood since God reveals himself as a Father.

Choose Joy: Humility – the Road to Unity

Choose Joy

These verses are the keys to unlocking joy in your relationships. This concept of serving one another in humility would cause us to arrive at a place of growth and unity.

Choose Joy: Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel

The gospel is the power source for salvation and what we need to navigate life’s difficulties. Don’t waste your life unappreciative of this sacrifice that has been made for you. I believe that’s what Paul is saying to us in the Philippian church.

Deacons: The Call to Serve

What is a Deacon? What do they do? And then are there any qualifications for that role? A deacon is a servant. Plain and simple. A deacon is a servant who serves with character that you can see and with humility.

To Live is Christ

Joyful moments may look different for everyone. It could be a moment of great connection. It could be a game night with your family. A joyful moment could look like being curled up with a good book to the sound of rainfall outside your window.

For Paul, he tells us to choose joy in a moment that is difficult. He is imprisoned because of his mission to advance the gospel, but Paul is still able to find joy in that moment. Why?

Marks of a Mighty Mother

You see the impact that she makes in her home, her life and in her community. All that the Proverbs 31 woman did was from an overflow of her fear and dedication to her God. This is a reminder to express our gratitude, love and respect for the mothers in our lives.

Marks of a Faithful Follower: Part 1

Can you imagine living a life of true joy, even when others may be falling apart? In the book of Philippians, Paul shows us that when we choose Christ, we have the power to choose joy, no matter what is going on around us.


Easter is often called Resurrection Sunday, but what if we called it victory Sunday? What we’re really celebrating is victory. That’s what happened. Jesus paid the price. He defeated death. And because Christ won, we as believers get to share in that with Him.