Romans: Gratitude for God’s People

The Apostle Paul’s relationship with the church in Rome in Romans 1:8-15 is both awe-inspiring and instructional for believers today. Even though he had never met this community face-to-face, Paul’s affection and gratitude for them were deeply rooted in their shared faith in Christ. It is a reminder for us to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for the Church, which serves as a visible mark of God’s grace in our lives.

Romans: The Unstoppable Gospel

If I were to summarize the essence of the Christian faith, the book of Romans would be a great resource. Authored by the Apostle Paul, this book has been nothing less than transformative across the corridors of history. So much so, that theologians like Martin Luther and John Calvin held it in the highest esteem.

Judges: God’s Sovereignty in Salvation

God shows Himself to Israel again and again as a mighty warrior, despite their cycle of disobedience, discipline, and repentance. The story in Judges 4 and 5 reveals the truth of God’s sovereignty in the lives of the Israelites and is an example for us today.