Wisdom Defined: How to Deal with Temptation

Have you ever felt stuck in temptation? The temptation to sin is a strong force, but there are simple ways the Bible tells us to deal with temptation that can help us overcome sin.

Wisdom Defined: How to Respond to God’s Discipline

Wisdom Defined

Do you remember being disciplined as a child? When you misbehaved, how did your parents respond? In one way or another, you probably had to face the consequences of your actions. Those who now have children of their own understand the need for discipline. But punishment isn’t always a popular topic to think about. So how might we think about God’s discipline? The Bible teaches us how to understand and respond to God’s correction in our lives.

Wisdom Defined: How to Abide In Christ

The Heart Of Romans

We live in a confusing world filled with big decisions and blurred lines. So it’s no surprise we sometimes feel ill-equipped to make sense of it all. We need wisdom. The Bible talks a lot about the purpose of wisdom and where to find it as we abide in Christ, but sometimes it’s hard to apply such an abstract subject to the messy details of everyday life.

Wisdom Defined: What is Wisdom?

Many of us go through life struggling with big decisions. We want to know the correct answer and make the right choice for our life. We need wisdom. The Bible contains a collection of books with this very purpose. The wisdom books include Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. In each book, the writers portray wisdom as something worth appreciating, admiring, and pursuing.

Choosing Joy : The Secret of Contentment


Renew your mind from the negative impact of today’s culture by replacing it with something better – things that are true, things that are pure and right, things that are worthy of praise, and things that are respectable.

Choosing Joy : Renewing Your Mind

Choose Joy

Renew your mind from the negative impact of today’s culture by replacing it with something better – things that are true, things that are pure and right, things that are worthy of praise, and things that are respectable.

Choosing Joy : Don’t Be a Hostage to Anxiety

Our nation is dealing with isolation, fear, and political strife. Cities are being burned. Anxiety is a real struggle, especially right now. Let us not discount it or lessen its severity. This message will help you if you’re dealing with anxiety.

Choosing Joy: Stand Firm


We can stand firm in unity with joy so that the gentleness of Christ can be seen through us all.

Choosing Joy: Are you a Citizen?

We don’t have to wait to be heavenly citizens forever in the future. We can do things like abide with Christ, be transformed by Him, and reign with him now.

Choosing Joy: Faith and Practice


Does the life you live match the words you proclaim with your mouth? All of it should be aligned. What you say and believe should be reflected in your practice. Both faith and practice matter.

Choosing Joy Is To Pursue Christ

If you are clinging to a dream, apart from Christ, for the wrong reasons, joy will never be found. Joy can only be found in knowing and growing in Christ.

Choosing Joy Is To Know Christ

Choose Joy

If you are clinging to a dream, apart from Christ, for the wrong reasons, joy will never be found. Joy can only be found in knowing and growing in Christ.