Jesus Is: The Extraordinary Power of Resurrection



May 18, 2023

Coggin Church

Coggin Church

In John 11, we learn about the resurrection power of Christ that every believer has access to in their own lives.

John chapter 11 gives us a profound display of Jesus’ supernatural power. The story of Lazarus’ resurrection provides a glimpse into the remarkable strength exhibited by Christ through His love for His friend. Similarly, Christian mothers display a power that goes beyond mundane tasks every day. This maternal power lies in moms’ ability to prioritize their children and family amidst a world full of distractions and opposition. We have each witnessed this power in the lives of our own mothers, grandmothers, and wives. It is a power rooted in faith and fueled by the resurrection power of Christ. As children grow up watching this strength in their mothers, they learn about the power of Christ and how it can be lived out in our faith every day. In this blog post, we explore the story of Lazarus’ resurrection and uncover the profound message of resurrection power available to all of us.

The Power of Christian Mothers

Growing up, how often did you see the power of Christ in your mother’s example? Because of the spirit of God in them, Christian mothers possess an extraordinary power that surpasses personal fortitude. It is the power to choose their children and home over worldly pursuits, despite the challenges and adversities they face. Mothers who know God possess a resilience and unwavering love that exemplifies this supernatural power. Some mothers show this self-giving power by staying home with their children, and others sacrifice as they prioritize their families on top of successful careers. Both demonstrate the strength and courage that comes from embracing the calling God has placed upon their lives. As their children watch their lives, they can learn more about the power of Christ through their example than through a sermon.

Christ, Our Source of Power

But where does this power come from? It is not merely an expression of personal strength; rather, it is the resurrection power that stems from faith in Christ. This power emboldens mothers to make decisions despite challenging circumstances and distractions. In today’s world, mothers need this resurrection power more than ever. However, it is not exclusive to mothers alone; it is a power available to all believers. The story of Lazarus’ resurrection and the faith displayed by Martha and Mary reveal the transformative nature of this power.

God’s Power vs. God’s Timing

In the narrative of John 11, we encounter a significant delay by Jesus in responding to Lazarus’ illness. Once Jesus heard his friend was sick, he waited for two days before attending to him. This delay caused confusion and pain for Mary and Martha. Yet, we learn that Jesus’ delay served a purpose beyond what they could comprehend. Similarly, in our lives, when it feels like Jesus is delaying, we may experience confusion and pain. However, it is essential to understand that Jesus is always on time, and He never neglects our needs. Tragedies that enter our lives have passed through the approval of God and can be used for His glory and our good.

Resurrection Power Revealed

When Jesus finally arrives in Bethany, Lazarus has been in the grave for four days. Martha, upon meeting Jesus, expresses her grief and confusion. Despite this, she maintains a glimmer of hope, recognizing that Jesus has the power to bring about change. Jesus responds by proclaiming, “I am the resurrection and the life.” He calls Lazarus to come out of the grave and for his grave clothes to be taken off. The crowd is astounded when they see Lazarus, alive and well, walking toward Jesus. Through the resurrection of Lazarus, Jesus showcases His authority over life and death, pointing to His own impending resurrection. There is no greater power than Jesus’ resurrection power, which we all have access to as believers. The same Holy Spirit lives in us that raised Christ from the grave, so we can live with His power as our strength, no matter our circumstances. 

Next Steps

The story of Lazarus’ resurrection unveils the incredible power of resurrection that is accessible to all believers. Christian mothers embody this power as they prioritize their families and make difficult decisions. Children who are raised in Christian families grow up seeing this strength in their mothers and learning from their example far before they understand the source of this power. However, John 11 shows that this power stems from faith in Christ. He empowers individuals to overcome challenges and distractions every single day. We can honor Him by living for Him, just like our mothers did. We can please him by exuding the same self-giving love that our mothers modeled. And when life circumstances get confusing, we can find comfort in knowing that Jesus is always on time, even when it seems like He is delaying. Let us embrace the resurrection power and trust in His sovereignty, knowing that He can bring life out of any situation.