Wisdom Defined: How to Deal with Temptation



October 6, 2022

Coggin Church

Coggin Church

Have you ever felt stuck in temptation? The temptation to sin is a strong force, but there are simple ways the Bible tells us to deal with temptation that can help us overcome sin.

If we’re honest, we all deal with temptation. You can probably think of the last tempting thought you had. Did you give in to the temptation? Sin is incredibly alluring. It wouldn’t be nearly the same struggle to stay away if it wasn’t. Proverbs portrays Lady Temptation as an adulterous woman for this reason. The father in Proverbs warns his son against embracing the foolish ways of temptation. Though many people think the Bible is an outdated book, the principles written here have never been more relevant in today’s culture. In a world filled with temptation around every corner, these are the three ways to deal with temptation. 

Proverbs 5:3-6 reads, “For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end, she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. She gives no thought to the way of life; her paths wander aimlessly, but she does not know it.”

Does this sound appealing? At first, maybe the temptation seems sweet. However, these verses make it very clear that nothing good comes from giving in to temptation. Solomon is speaking to his son to help him avoid the path of foolishness. The way of temptation is attractive at first but leads to death every single time. This leads to our first warning:

Beware the False Beauty and Seductive Lies of Temptation.

Just because it’s attractive doesn’t mean it will be good or healthy. It’s a hard lesson to learn, especially in an age that idolizes instant gratification. Our world doesn’t value self-control or restraint. Instead, it tells us to follow our hearts and fulfill our every whim. So, in moments of temptation, we are vulnerable because we’re not prepared to say no.

Temptation is intoxicating. It doesn’t tell you how bad things will be afterward. Instead, it draws you in with promises of fulfillment, pleasure, and gratification that will not be kept. Temptation offers things that sin cannot give you; it’s merely a deceptive facade inviting you to compromise your morals and become ensnared in sin. For instance, the fruit in the Garden of Eden looked scrumptious, but it only delivered bondage and death. The same pattern has been repeating throughout history, and man has fallen into the trap. By the time you realize the path you’re on, you’re already caught in the web of lies. You need to guard yourself against temptation and think through your decisions intentionally. This is not the kind of thing you want to decide on the fly!

If You Don’t Deal with Temptation, You Will Get Caught.

Proverbs 7:18-19 says, “Come, let’s drink deeply of love till morning; let’s enjoy ourselves with love! My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey.”

The author skillfully instills a sense of secrecy and sneakiness by painting Lady Temptation as an adulterous woman. We’re wired to be curious about things that are forbidden. Somehow, our sinful natures can’t resist the temptation of doing what we’re not supposed to do. However, the lie Lady Temptation tells repeatedly is, “Don’t worry, you won’t get caught. This will be hidden. Nobody needs to know.” Not only is this a lie, but it also traps you in a web of shame. If you feel you’ve done something so wrong that nobody can ever know, you keep your sin hidden in the darkness rather than bringing it into the light, where victory and healing are offered. God doesn’t like sin staying hidden in the dark. So when we are unwilling to confess and repent, He always reveals the truth in time.

Proverbs 7:27 reads, “Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Many are the victims she has brought down; her slain are a mighty throng. Her house is a highway to the grave, leading down to the chambers of death.” Don’t let yourself be brought down. The gratification of sin is fleeting, but the long-term consequences can be devastating.

If You Don’t Deal with Temptation, You Will Reap Consequences.

“How can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not get burned? Or how can a man walk on hot coals and his feet not get scorched?” (Proverbs 6:27-28)

The answer is he can’t. Sin always has consequences. It separates us from God, destroys relationships, and brings suffering into our lives. It’s easy to justify our sin and rationalize why it won’t be that bad. However, the reality is that sin brings death every time. From the very first sin in the garden, the effect has been pain, evil, chaos, and harm. So don’t be gullible enough to believe the lie that you won’t have consequences.

Think about how David must have felt. Would he have done it if he had known the consequences of his adultery with Bathsheba? If he had seen the lifeless body of his son or the generational sin which plagued his family, would he still have been so willing to do it? 

Our response to temptation should be more similar to Joseph’s in Genesis 39. When Potiphar’s wife seduced him, he ran away so quickly that she was still holding his clothes, and he was running naked. So likewise, when we are tempted, we should flee. 

Steps to Deal With Temptation

If you are plagued with temptation, there are practical ways to guard your heart and mind against it.

  • Develop a Consistent Bible Reading Plan

There are several pre-made plans online. The goal here is not to read your Bible once in a while but to be so routine that God’s Word is always on your mind.

  • Get a Good Night’s Sleep

This may sound simple, but we are more vulnerable when we don’t have enough rest. Lack of sleep heightens emotions and lowers inhibitions, which makes it easier to do the wrong thing.

  • Create a Structured Daily Routine

If you don’t order your day, your day will order you. Sometimes the temptation to sin is most potent when boredom sets in. Idle hands and slothful attitudes do not lend themselves toward a strong tendency for self-control. 

Hope for the Fallen

Sin is serious, but it is no longer a death sentence because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. There is hope if you’ve fallen prey to temptation and have given into sin. Whether you’re a Christian stuck in a repetitive pattern of sin or you’ve never repented before, Jesus offers a simple way out. First, confess your sin to Him and repent from it. Turn away from your sinful behavior and ask for His forgiveness. Then, believe that His sacrifice on the cross paid the penalty of death and accept His free gift of grace. When you repent and believe the gospel, Christ offers the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to help. Through the power of the Spirit, we can have victory over sin!

If you need help overcoming habitual sin or addiction, sign up for our Celebrate Recovery program to get the support you need!