Wisdom Defined: What is Wisdom?



September 15, 2022

Coggin Church

Coggin Church

Many of us go through life struggling with big decisions. We want to know the correct answer and make the right choice for our life. We need wisdom. The Bible contains a collection of books with this very purpose. The wisdom books include Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. In each book, the writers portray wisdom as something worth appreciating, admiring, and pursuing.

Many of us go through life struggling with big decisions. We want to know the correct answer and make the right choice for our life. We need wisdom. 

The Bible contains a collection of books with this very purpose. The wisdom books include Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. In each book, the writers portray wisdom as something worth appreciating, admiring, and pursuing. 

The Wisdom Books in the Bible

In Proverbs, wisdom is personified as a woman who is capable, kind, and attractive. She is desirable, just as wisdom itself is sought after. The wisdom portrayed in Proverbs is the ideal – the very best insight offered and the prosperity that wise people experience as a result.

In Ecclesiastes, the author is frustrated because he’s tried to follow wise council and sees that it doesn’t always work out. Ecclesiastes could be characterized as the perspective of a middle-aged cynic, which is a different perspective than the idealism in Proverbs. Solomon knows the way of wisdom, and he’s seen that it isn’t always rainbows and roses.

The book of Job takes it one step further. If Ecclesiastes is written like a middle-aged cynic, Job is like an older man who has seen the very worst and the very best outcomes of wisdom. Job pursued wisdom and still lost everything. But even amidst his trials, he still wants to seek God. 

In Proverbs, wisdom is defined. 

In Ecclesiastes, wisdom is challenged. 

In Job, wisdom is tested and applied.

The Hebrew word for wisdom in the Bible is chokmâh (hok-maw). Like the force in Star Wars or the law of gravity, wisdom is described as a cosmic force woven into the fabric of the universe that the Creator God gives to help us achieve good as He defines it.

Wisdom is living God’s way in God’s world.

How to be a Wise Person

So what are God’s ways, and how do we find them? We find God’s ways in Scripture. The Bible helps us to know what is right and do the right thing. Proverbs 1-9 are good examples of how the Bible defines wisdom. These chapters read like a father having a heart-to-heart conversation before his child leaves home. 

Proverbs 1:1-7 states, “The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:

2 for gaining wisdom and instruction;

    for understanding words of insight;

3 for receiving instruction in prudent behavior,

    doing what is right and just and fair;

4 for giving prudence to those who are simple,

    knowledge and discretion to the young—

5 let the wise listen and add to their learning,

    and let the discerning get guidance—

6 for understanding proverbs and parables,

    the sayings and riddles of the wise.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

    but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

In these verses, Solomon describes a fork in the road. You can either choose the path of wisdom or the path of foolishness. Unlike wisdom, foolishness is trying to live your way in God’s world. It leads to destruction. 

This is shown clearly in the Garden of Even when God gave Adam and Eve a choice between following his instruction or doing it their way. When they chose to seek wisdom for themselves apart from God, they decided on the foolish path, which paved the way for a future defined by sin and destruction. 

If wisdom is knowing the difference between right and wrong, then doing the right thing the wrong way becomes sin. If you’re going the right way apart from God, it becomes the wrong way. Wisdom is doing it God’s way in God’s world.

What does it mean to fear the Lord?

The first step in finding wisdom is to fear the Lord.

This is neither an approach like a scared child nor a flippant approach lacking humility. On the contrary, it is a beautiful balance between wonder and trembling. The fear of the Lord ultimately addresses your motivation to follow Him and seek His ways. 

This is more than just following a set of rules or regulations. We have done plenty of this in the church, and it hasn’t worked. It’s similar to a parent asking their child to be home by curfew. Do you want them to be home by 9pm, even into their adult years? No. Curfew is about helping your children learn to discern who they spend time with and what they do after dark. You want your child to act wisely; the rule is just a way to help them discern the wise choice. Biblical wisdom is the same way. God’s wisdom is the thing that gives you the ability to make decisions based on the heart of the issue rather than the letter of the law.

So, as the Bible describes the way of wisdom, we can see that wisdom:

  • Is Practical (It helps to discern the right decision in everyday issues.)
  • Includes Intelligence (It requires study to know and understand the way of wisdom.)
  • Addresses Morality (You need to know the difference between right and wrong.)
  • Helps Navigate the Mysteries of Life (The Bible is filled with mysteries like love, faith, and mercy. Wisdom helps us understand the parables God uses to teach us.)

Have you ever seen a coach try to correct an arrogant player? Even if the student’s athletic abilities are unmatched, the coach cannot use a player who won’t take instruction. If they aren’t willing to be corrected, their athletic skills are not helpful to the team. It works the same with us. We need to take correction from the Lord to help us grow in wisdom.

Solomon knew the value of wisdom. He could have asked for anything from God, but he asked for wisdom. He was the wisest man on earth, and his story shows that wisdom is available to those who seek it. We should fear the Lord enough to listen to Him and seek out His ways. Ultimately, we must know what he wants from us, and be given the ability to do it. This does not happen apart from God.

To conclude, the Bible shows us that wisdom has a:

  • Pace (Slow)
  • Posture (Humility)
  • Person (Jesus) 
  • Practice (Abiding with Him)

There’s no better way to live a conscientious life that honors God and helps you thrive.

Next Steps

Because wisdom is doing God’s will God’s way in God’s world, it’s important to figure out your next steps and apply them. Does one of the following profiles describe you?

If you have been following the way of foolishness and living your own way, you might need to surrender your life to God. Ask for His forgiveness and salvation. If you’ve never done this before, you can learn more HERE to take this step today.

If you’re trying to follow God’s ways but need help to understand them, you may need to find a Bible study or small group near you to get involved in. Groups like this can help you to learn more about what the Bible says and know how to respond to life’s challenges in God’s way. 

If you’ve never been baptized and know this is the next step to follow Christ’s commands and live your life for Him, contact your local church to take this next step.

Finding a local church to connect with can help you walk the way of wisdom. We would love to connect with you at Coggin Ave Baptist Church if you live near Brownwood, Texas. Click here to plan your visit.

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